属性作出的,这意味着,例如,即使你有一个可以识别Microsoft Word格式的比较或合并工具,当你对一个Word文件设置为非人工可读(例如application/msword
)时,依然不会调用这个识别Word的工具。关于MIME type的设定,可以见“文件内容类型”一节。
外置 diff
Subversion可以调用适合GNU参数的diff工具,并期望外置程序能够返回成功的错误代码。对于大多数可用的diff程序,只有第6、7参数,diff两边文件的路径。需要注意Subversion对于每个修改的文件都要以异步方式(或“后台”)运行diff程序,你会得到许多并行的实例。最后,Subversion期望你的程序在发现区别时返回错误代码1,没有区别则返回0—任何其他的返回值都被认为是严重错误。 [48]
例 7.2 “diffwrap.sh”和例 7.3 “diffwrap.bat”分别是Bourne shell和Windows批处理外置diff工具的包裹器模版。
例 7.2. diffwrap.sh
#!/bin/sh # Configure your favorite diff program here. DIFF="/usr/local/bin/my-diff-tool" # Subversion provides the paths we need as the sixth and seventh # parameters. LEFT=${6} RIGHT=${7} # Call the diff command (change the following line to make sense for # your merge program). $DIFF --left $LEFT --right $RIGHT # Return an errorcode of 0 if no differences were detected, 1 if some were. # Any other errorcode will be treated as fatal.
例 7.3. diffwrap.bat
@ECHO OFF REM Configure your favorite diff program here. SET DIFF="C:\Program Files\Funky Stuff\My Diff Tool.exe" REM Subversion provides the paths we need as the sixth and seventh REM parameters. SET LEFT=%6 SET RIGHT=%7 REM Call the diff command (change the following line to make sense for REM your merge program). %DIFF% --left %LEFT% --right %RIGHT% REM Return an errorcode of 0 if no differences were detected, 1 if some were. REM Any other errorcode will be treated as fatal.
外置 diff3
例 7.4 “diff3wrap.sh”和例 7.5 “diff3wrap.bat”分别是Bourne shell和Windows批处理外置diff工具的包裹器模版。
例 7.4. diff3wrap.sh
#!/bin/sh # Configure your favorite diff3/merge program here. DIFF3="/usr/local/bin/my-merge-tool" # Subversion provides the paths we need as the ninth, tenth, and eleventh # parameters. MINE=${9} OLDER=${10} YOURS=${11} # Call the merge command (change the following line to make sense for # your merge program). $DIFF3 --older $OLDER --mine $MINE --yours $YOURS # After performing the merge, this script needs to print the contents # of the merged file to stdout. Do that in whatever way you see fit. # Return an errorcode of 0 on successful merge, 1 if unresolved conflicts # remain in the result. Any other errorcode will be treated as fatal.
例 7.5. diff3wrap.bat
@ECHO OFF REM Configure your favorite diff3/merge program here. SET DIFF3="C:\Program Files\Funky Stuff\My Merge Tool.exe" REM Subversion provides the paths we need as the ninth, tenth, and eleventh REM parameters. But we only have access to nine parameters at a time, so we REM shift our nine-parameter window twice to let us get to what we need. SHIFT SHIFT SET MINE=%7 SET OLDER=%8 SET YOURS=%9 REM Call the merge command (change the following line to make sense for REM your merge program). %DIFF3% --older %OLDER% --mine %MINE% --yours %YOURS% REM After performing the merge, this script needs to print the contents REM of the merged file to stdout. Do that in whatever way you see fit. REM Return an errorcode of 0 on successful merge, 1 if unresolved conflicts REM remain in the result. Any other errorcode will be treated as fatal.
[47] Subversion的开发者很好,但最好的也会发生错误。
[48] GNU的diff手册这样说的:“返回0意味着没有区别,1是有有区别,其它值意味着出现问题。”