
Posted on Posted in 6.日常使用指南


图 5.11. 已经完成更新的进度对话框


Periodically, you should ensure that changes done by others get
incorporated in your local working copy. The process of getting changes
from the server to your local copy is known as updating.
Updating may be done on single files, a set of selected files, or
recursively on entire directory hierarchies. To update, select the files
and/or directories you want, right click and select TortoiseSVNUpdate
in the explorer context menu. A window will pop up displaying the
progress of the update as it runs. Changes done by others will be merged
into your files, keeping any changes you may have done to the same
files. The repository is not affected by an update.


  • 紫色

  • 新项已经增加到你的工作副本中。

  • 深红

  • 你的工作副本中删除了多余项,或是你的工作副本中丢失的项被替换。

  • 绿色

  • 版本库中的修改与你的本地修改成功合并。

  • 亮红

  • 来自版本库的修改在与本地修改合并时出现了冲突,需要你解决。

  • 黑色

  • 你WC中的没有改动的项被来自版本库中新版本所更新。

这是默认的配色方案,但你可以通过设置对话框来定制这些颜色。参考“TortoiseSVN 颜色设置”一节获得详情。

If you get any conflicts
during an update (this can happen if others changed the same lines in
the same file as you did and those changes don't match) then the dialog
shows those conflicts in red. You can double click on these lines to start the external merge tool to resolve the conflicts.

the update is complete, the progress dialog shows a summary of the
number of items updated, added, removed, conflicted, etc. below the file
list. This summary information can be copied to the clipboard using Ctrl+C.

standard Update command has no options and just updates your working
copy to the HEAD revision of the repository, which is the most common
use case. If you want more control over the update process, you should
use TortoiseSVNUpdate to Revision…
instead. This allows you to update your working copy to a specific
revision, not only to the most recent one. Suppose your working copy is
at revision 100, but you want it to reflect the state which it had in
revision 50 – then simply update to revision 50. In the same dialog you
can also choose the depth at which to update the current folder. The terms used are described in “检出深度”一节. The default depth is Working copy,
which preserves the existing depth setting. You can also choose whether
to ignore any external projects in the update (i.e. projects referenced
using svn:externals).


If you update a file or folder to a specific revision, you should not make changes to those files. You will get “out of date
error messages when you try to commit them! If you want to undo changes
to a file and start afresh from an earlier revision, you can rollback
to a previous revision from the revision log dialog. Take a look at “Roll back (Undo) revisions in the repository”一节 for further instructions, and alternative methods.






